Monday, January 3, 2011

Benefits of Negative Ions

Benefits of Negative Ions
It is well known that consuming more alkaline foods, i.e. fruits and vegetables, is beneficial to human health. An acidic PH balance of the body, on the other hand, makes the body weak and susceptible to sickness. Acidification of the blood, which is caused by the loss of electrons, can be prevented by Negative Electric Ions which contains an abundant amount of electrons improving the body's immunity and resistance to illnesses. This is the reason Negative Electric Ions products are becoming more and more popular nowadays.
Metabolism, which is the process of acquiring nutrients from the blood and excreting waste out of the body, is extremely important to the human cells. The more Negatively Charged Electric Ions there are in the blood, the more efficient the cell's metabolism process.
On the contrary, the more Positively Charged Ions there are in the blood, the slower and less efficient the cell's metabolism. This causes the body's cells to become weak and the body will tend to get sick more easily and aged faster.
An experiment was conducted on electric ions and the permeability of the cell membrane. In the experiment, skin was used to exemplify the cell membrane. When positively charged ions were permeated into the surface of the skin, its pores and sweat glands began to contract. However, when Negative Electric Ions were permeated into the surface of the skin, its pores and sweat glands expanded, which demonstrates good metabolism of the cell membranes. This is phenomenon is called Prototype Plasma Membranes of Dermal Reflectivity. Dr. Arudoman of Germany also conducted a research regarding the influence of ions to the human body. He proposed the following hypothesis - Negatively Charged Ions are beneficial to the human body in four major ways: It helps to strengthen the functions of autonomic nerves, reinforces collagen (tissues that are resilient and tension-related), and improves the permeability of the cell's prototype plasma membranes (improves metabolism), and strengthens the body's immune system.
The human body is surrounded by ions; therefore, the function of electrons inside and outside the cells has significant influence on the human body. It makes the body strong if good ions are taken. When the amount of Negative Electric Ions contained one c.c. of air inhaled reached 5,000 to 50,000, it strengthens the body's resistance and immunity; and when the amount of Negative Electric Ions contained in one c.c. of air reached 100,000 to 500,000, it relieves illnesses. Negatively Charged Electric Ions in our body are essential in sustaining and improving our health. Whereas 85% of the Negative Electric Ions are absorbed from our skin, only 15% is inhaled and absorbed through our lungs. (Quoted from page 56 of Negatively Charged electric Ion Treatment, issued by Youth Publishing)

Depression & Mood

Depression & Mood
Negative ions also have been shown to help lift mood, alleviate depression and seasonal affective disorder (winter depression or SAD). There is even a patent by a prominent researcher and institution for the treatment of depression with negative ions.
Because there is no fan (like in filter-type air filters or room air purifiers), the dust on floors and tables is not stirred up, and so the air in a room with a negative ionizer in use can become exceedingly free of dust and pollen.

Negative ions help freshen and purify the air

Negative ions help freshen and purify the air
By causing allergens such as pollen, mold spores, dust, and animal dander floating in the air (which have either a neutral or a positive charge) to be attracted to and stick to each other, forming 'clumps' (because opposite charges attract). These clumps of particles then become heavy enough so that gravity can pull them down to the floor, where they can be vacuumed up, rather than staying in suspension where they can be breathed in and cause allergic reactions.

Principal of Negative Ion Treatment

Principal of Negative Ion Treatment
Based on Dr Takada’s research, under specific conditions, if human body is subject to positive or negative voltage, changes of fixed patterns will occur to biological ion and Kation (Sodium [Na], Potassium [K], Calcium [Ca]) in the blood.
Cleansing of Blood – Changing Acidic Blood to Weak Alkaline
When human body is subject to negative voltage, sodium and calcium in the blood will increase while potassium decreases. If positive voltage is applied, the reverse occurs.
This electrolytic ion movement is known as Kation effect, it states that when negative voltage is applied, ionization of sodium and calcium in the blood increases and this changes the blood from acidic to weak alkaline.
Activating metabolism and cells
This active change brought about by ionization rules in the blood has great effect on cell’s functions. It promotes the electrical matter exchange at the cell membrane, as the process of bring in necessary matters into the cells and at the same time bringing out wastes from the cells is quickened, metabolism is heightened and cells are activated.
In addition, it is a well known fact that the change in ratio between potassium and sodium affects cell permeability and water exchange between blood tissues, and calcium affects the stimulation of muscles, especially heart muscles.
Balancing Autonomous Nervous System
The unbalance between the activities of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems can be vastly improved by applying negative ion treatment for 35 days (1 time a day).
When sympathetic nervous system is excited, the secretion of peptic juices is decreased and when parasympathetic nervous system is aroused, the peristaltic motion is heightened and peptic secretion is increased. It is observed by X ray that after 35 days of negative ion treatment (once a day), the secretion has improved.
Negative Ion treatment has shown good effects on a wide area of chronic diseases and symptoms during clinical treatment:
1.            Relieving Insomnia
2.            Easing chronic constipation
3.            Improve appetite/weight
4.            Relieving inflammation (acute arthritis)
5.            Anti-rheumatism
6.            Relieving rachialgia
7.            Eczema
8.            Relieving of pain (headache, nervous pain etc)
9.            Expansion of peripheral nervous

Blood condition has been improved after 15 minutes
drinking Orenpad Energy Water

    Before Drinking Orenpad Energy Water

   After Drinking Orenpad Energy Water

About Far Infrared Rays

The effect of using FIR in to the human body

Before After

Infrared radiation accounts for over half of the energy emitted by the sun. The remaining energy is emitted in the form of visible light.
Traits of Far-Infrared Rays
A. Radiation
Radiation refers to the aspect of FIR (or any wavelength of light in general) in which energy (heat energy in this case) is emitted in the form of particles and waves, transmitted, and absorbed by matter. This ability to exist as both particle and wave is called electromagnetism, manifested in FIR as well as all other spectra of light.

Other types of light, such as microwaves, travel as heat energy. However, in order for FIR to have a heating effect they must hit matter and reflect off its surface. This phenomenon is responsible for the cold temperatures at high altitudes. On mountain peaks, for example, surface area decreases greatly, and there is less matter for infrared rays to reflect from, or for "resonant absorption". Thus heat is not emitted.

B. Deep-Reaching Effects
Ordinary heat (or lack of heat) does not affect our internal bodily organs or functions because they lack the ability to deep-reach. Our average body temperature of 36.5 Celsius is not affected to any substantial extent by fluctuating environmental conditions. Even extreme conditions such as the -42 Celsius environment of Alaska or the 50 Celsius water of a hot tub do not cause our internal body temperature to approach either -42 Celsius or 50 Celsius.

Unlike environmental temperature conditions, or even visible light rays or close-infrared rays, FIR rays have the ability to penetrate deeply (up to 1.5 inches) and permeate thoroughly into the hypodermic layer of a person's skin. Thus, it is possible to revitalize human cells and tissue by warming the body from the inside. Again, this warming is made possible by the heat energy transfer of the far-infrared radiation (previously discussed).

What is the effect of Far-infrared rays?

FIR cause resonance with water molecules. It ionize and activates water molecules in our cells and blood thus improving our blood circulation and health condition. The human body contains more than 70% water (H2O) by weight.

What is the effect of Far-infra-red rays on our human body?
1,Activates water molecules in our body
2,Improve oxygen level in our body
3,Warming and eliminating fats, chemicals and toxins from our blood and thus 4,smoothening the flow of blood.
5,Elimination of other waste from the body
6,Reducing the acidic level in our body
7,Improve nervous system

Other usefulness
1,Improve perspiration system
2,Prevention of bacteria growth
3,Softening of hard water
4,Relieving of pain
5,Purification of water
6,Eliminates bad odour
7,Maintain warmth and better sleep
8,Enhance and maintain freshness
9,Purification of air h) Beauty care
10,Improve strength and health
11,Speed up repair of body cells
12,Balance of the acid level in our body
13,Normalisation of blood cholesterol
14,Prevent mould
15,Help plants to grow better

The Sun Ray can be divided to Visible Ray

which is visible to the eye. and Invisible Ray, which is invisible to the eye.

Infrared Ray, a type of invisible ray, is very useful to the human body, which can be also divided into three categories; near infrared ray, mid infrared ray and far infrared ray.

Far infrared ray is a light that has a long wavelength, which is the most helpful to the human body among all the other types of rays.

This ray does absolutely no damage to the human body but only palpates the activity of the organism, which the miracle of such rays that amplify the power of the sun, which in turn gives life to many organisms and their growth.

Their my serious qualities also soften water, help organisms to mature, generate heat, purification, dry, etc.

 Video Aura / Cakra
The STATE OF MINDBODY GRAPH displays your overall mindbody condition. If you are in a relaxed, harmonious state the green bar will be HIGH-UP. A tense, stressed MindBody will show if the green bar is LOW.
The left, blue bar of the RELAXATION-STRESS GRAPH shows the environment and is used as a baseline.  The middle, green bar  shows your RELAXATION - STRESS LEVEL. The cyan, right bar shows the difference between the environment and your relaxation level. Low values indicate STRESS - low temperature, low circulation and/or low physical energies. High values indicate RELAXATION  -  high body temperature, high circulation and/or high physical activity.