Monday, January 3, 2011

Principal of Negative Ion Treatment

Principal of Negative Ion Treatment
Based on Dr Takada’s research, under specific conditions, if human body is subject to positive or negative voltage, changes of fixed patterns will occur to biological ion and Kation (Sodium [Na], Potassium [K], Calcium [Ca]) in the blood.
Cleansing of Blood – Changing Acidic Blood to Weak Alkaline
When human body is subject to negative voltage, sodium and calcium in the blood will increase while potassium decreases. If positive voltage is applied, the reverse occurs.
This electrolytic ion movement is known as Kation effect, it states that when negative voltage is applied, ionization of sodium and calcium in the blood increases and this changes the blood from acidic to weak alkaline.
Activating metabolism and cells
This active change brought about by ionization rules in the blood has great effect on cell’s functions. It promotes the electrical matter exchange at the cell membrane, as the process of bring in necessary matters into the cells and at the same time bringing out wastes from the cells is quickened, metabolism is heightened and cells are activated.
In addition, it is a well known fact that the change in ratio between potassium and sodium affects cell permeability and water exchange between blood tissues, and calcium affects the stimulation of muscles, especially heart muscles.
Balancing Autonomous Nervous System
The unbalance between the activities of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems can be vastly improved by applying negative ion treatment for 35 days (1 time a day).
When sympathetic nervous system is excited, the secretion of peptic juices is decreased and when parasympathetic nervous system is aroused, the peristaltic motion is heightened and peptic secretion is increased. It is observed by X ray that after 35 days of negative ion treatment (once a day), the secretion has improved.
Negative Ion treatment has shown good effects on a wide area of chronic diseases and symptoms during clinical treatment:
1.            Relieving Insomnia
2.            Easing chronic constipation
3.            Improve appetite/weight
4.            Relieving inflammation (acute arthritis)
5.            Anti-rheumatism
6.            Relieving rachialgia
7.            Eczema
8.            Relieving of pain (headache, nervous pain etc)
9.            Expansion of peripheral nervous

Blood condition has been improved after 15 minutes
drinking Orenpad Energy Water

    Before Drinking Orenpad Energy Water

   After Drinking Orenpad Energy Water

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